Robert Anton Wilson auction

Just a quick post for any admirers of Robert Anton Wilson who may have wandered over following the Maybe Day article on the Guardian website (and just how punchable do I look in that photograph?)

Firstly, hello! And second, did you know that RAWs daughter is currently putting lots of his posessions on eBay? Some very interesting stuff has been and gone already. His official Discordian Pope card and Thoth deck of tarot cards both went for several hundred dollars. Who knows what else will be auctioned next? Go and look.


  1. Hi John -

    I'm only sorry that it's 4.30pm and I only just found out it is Maybe Day. I've pursued the subject myself in a book that could have been titled how to be an agnostic and why it matters, though was actually published as After Atheism (the devil gets all the best lines, you see.)

    Keep up the ambivalent work.


  2. I may be being pedantic, but such is my vocation, but wouldn't Maybe Day be better celebrated in May, be?

    (Especially, as I was raised a Catholic and May is devoted to Mary.)

  3. Hey Mark - have you got a link to that book (it is not obvious on your blog). Sounds interesting.

    DOT - Ha! Believe me, you don't want to know why July 23rd. Get back to Lewis and your straight jacket!


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